Winter Session 2024

January 2nd – April 6th (NO closures during Winter session)

Class Recommendations:

Monday, December 4th

Class recommendations will be EMAILED to all students (no more paper class recs).  


Priority Enrollment Period (for those currently enrolled in Fall session):

Monday, December 11th – Wednesday, December 13th (Starting at 9am on Monday)

All currently enrolled students and their sibling(s) may enroll online by logging into your BGC account and enrolling in any ***coach recommended class*** starting Monday, December 11th at 9am. No spots are saved during this week.

***Please make sure to enroll in the coach recommended class level as we will be checking enrollments to confirm children are registered in the appropriate class level and unenrolling students who are enrolled incorrectly.  If your student is unenrolled, you will limit your class day/time options when re-enrolling for the correct class level. 

Other Important Information:

  • If your student’s Class Recommendation is ‘Intermediate Plus,’ they are REQUIRED to enroll for 2 classes a week  
  • If your student is recommended for any ‘Advanced’ level class, you will need to email us at with the following information (since these are invitation only classes, your spot will be saved through the Priority Period):
    • Student Name (first & last)
    • Name of the Class
    • Day & Time of the Class

Open Enrollment: 

Starts Thursday, December 14th (Starting at 9am on Thursday)

Enrollment is open to all families on a space-available basis. As payment is due at the time of enrollment, the only way to enroll during this time is online. If you have questions, we are always happy to answer those over email. 

School-Age Make-Up Policy: Please note that BGC does not offer make-up classes for school-aged, recreational gymnasts.


Please note that our schedule below does not reflect possibly full classes – click the ‘waitlist’ button when enrolling to place yourself on the waitlist of a full class.  Classes with asterisks (*) denote two classes being offered at the same time.  Please refer to our class descriptions to find the most appropriate class for your child. If you have questions regarding this, please call or email us and we’ll talk with you to help establish the most appropriate class. 

Bothell Gymnastics Club – Winter : Weekly Schedule

Co-Pilots – Parent Required18 mo-3 yrsCo-Ed45 min930am, 1030am1030am930am, 1030am930am, 1030am1030am915am, 1030am
Mini Flyers – Parent Transition2.5-3 yrsCo-Ed45 min930am, 1030am930am1030am930am, 1030am930am1015am
Flyers3 yrs / BeginnersCo-Ed45 min930am, 1030am, 1130am*930am, 1030am930am*, 1030am, 1pm930am, 1030am, 1pm930am, 1030am, 1pm1045am, 1130am, 1145am, 1230pm
Super Flyers4 & 5 yrs / BeginnersGirls45 min930am, 1030am, 1130am, 1pm, 415pm930am, 1030am*, 1pm, 545pm, 630pm930am, 1030am, 115pm, 630pm930am, 1030am, 1pm, 4pm, 545pm930am, 1030am,1pm, 3pm930am, 1030am, 1145am, 1pm
Jets4 & 5 yrs / BeginnersBoys45 min1130am, 4pm930am, 1pm, 4pm1030am, 345pm, 6pm1pm, 4pm930am, 1030am, 315pm1pm
Co-Ed 4/5’s4 & 5 yrs / BeginnersCo-Ed45 min1045am
Advanced Super Flyers4 & 5 yrs / Advanced PreschoolGirls1 hr1pm315pm
Boy’s KindersKindergarten / BeginnersBoys1 hr5pm615pm415pm1145am
Jumbo Jets A1st – 2nd Grade / BeginnersBoys1 hr615pm5pm5pm530pm930am
Jumbo Jets B3rd – 5th Grade / BeginnersBoys1 hr730pm730pm645pm
Int Jumbo Jets A1st & 2nd Grade / IntermediateBoys1 hr615pm615pm
Advanced Jumbo Jets A1st & 2nd Grade / Adv. IntermediateBoys1 hr5pm
Beginning Boys Tumbling2nd-4th Grade / BeginnersBoys1 hr730pm
Int Boys Tumbling B3rd-5th Grade / Beg-IntBoys1 hr7pm
Emerald KindersKindergarten / BeginnersGirls1 hr5pm, 615pm, 715pm4pm, 515pm, 545pm, 615pm230pm, 330pm, 445pm, 7pm, 730pm5pm, 7pm415pm915am, 1130am, 1245pm
Advanced KindersKindergarten / Adv. BeginnersGirls1 hr545pm
Beginning Sapphires A1st & 2nd Grade / BeginnersGirls1 hr4pm, 415pm, 5pm, 530pm, 615pm, 715pm, 730pm4pm*, 415pm, 430pm, 515pm*, 630pm, 7pm, 730pm1pm, 315pm, 345pm, 4pm, 430pm*, 5pm, 545pm*, 730pm415pm, 430pm, 545pm, 615pm, 645pm4pm, 515pm, 645pm915am, 1015am, 1030am, 1130am, 1245pm*
Beginning Sapphires B3rd-5th Grade / BeginnersGirls1 hr415pm, 530pm, 6pm, 730pm545pm, 730pm2pm, 330pm, 445pm, 545pm, 615pm, 7pm430pm, 530pm, 730pm330pm 530pm, 630pm915am, 1145am, 1245pm
Intermediate Rubies A1st & 2nd Grade / IntermediateGirls1.5 hr530pm530pm515pm, 6pm7pm445pm
Intermediate Rubies B3rd-5th Grade / IntermediateGirls1.5 hrs515pm, 645pm4pm*445pm, 5pm, 7pm7pm3pm, 445pm, 630pm
Intermediate Plus2nd-6th Grade / Adv. IntermediateGirls1.5 hrs, 2 times/wk515pm, 7pm7pm, 715pm330pm, 515pm4pm, 7pm330pm, 630pm
Intermediate Stars1st-3rd Grade / Adv. IntermediateGirls1.5 hrs, 2 times/wk515pm (T/Th)515pm (T/Th)
Advanced Diamonds2nd-6th Grade / AdvancedGirls1.5 hrs, 2 times/wk7pm (M/W)*7pm (M/W)*
Beg/Int Middle School Gymnastics6th-8th Grade / Beg-IntCo-Ed1.5 hrs345pm, 645pm
Junior High / High School Tumbling & GymnasticsJunior High and High School / All LevelsCo-Ed1.75 hrs7pm (Beg-Adv)*7pm (Beg-Adv)
Preschool Playtime5 and underCo-Ed1 hr1130am1130am1130am1130am